Sunday, May 10, 2009

May 11, 2009 aka Day 1...

So, I start my blog by telling myself, or you reading, I'm not quite sure how I'm going to write it, that I don't know quite how this is gonna go.  I have had so many ideas about this for the past few months, yet I have nothing written down.  It's quite amazing actually.  I have thought about this "blog" so many times, you would think that I might try writing some of them down.  But now, it's day 1.  Day 1 of so many.  Day 1 of the rest of my life.   Day 1 of doing the right thing, of finishing what I've started and starting.  Starting something that I've been waiting for since I decided that I'd rather work in hospitals than court rooms (mind you I was 15, remember why?).  Day 1.  It is only just another day.  What makes Day 1 different from Day -1?  Or Day 420?  Because Day 1 is when you start.  Start doing those countless things you've spent the last 8 years learning.  By cementing in the good, and recycling the bad.  Never forgetting, but not remembering.  This blog is used solely for the purpose of saying things I need to say.  Whether it is for me to read...or for you.  For the next four years.  Through the entire struggle.  The ups, the downs, the hills, the valleys, the mountains and peaks.  The next four of the most miserable, best, most exciting, and trying years of my life.  This blog will be here, for me...and for you.    

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