Friday, May 15, 2009

Day 5

Door to door laundry service for $10.  Wow, can you get any better than that.  On top of that, my clothes smell wonderful.  I have tried countless detergents, every different type of bounce, and I have never achieved this level of fragrance.  

My plans are set for this weekend.  I am hiking to the highest point in Dominica.  Almost a mile up.  That will take place Sunday morning.

Apparently, I am writing this blog to myself, so I will remind myself of how amazing that Red Wings game was tonight.  The NHL is a lot of work to do to catch up with the Big 3, but I don't care if you're a fan of hockey or not, game 7s in NHL playoffs are by far the best game 7s.  

Yesterday's Topics:  Biochemistry - Proteins
                                     Cell Biology - Mitochondria, Peroxisomes, Lysosomes

Interesting fact:  So Da Beers (the diamond company) has made a fortune with the slogan, "A diamond is forever."  Well, thats funny, because its a lie.  Granted in our lifetime it my hold true, but eventually that million dollar diamond is going to turn into the exact same thing as pencil lead.  

Lessons from a feline Spartan Warrior

Dr. Samsun, (yes, thanks to my mother I decided to change your name.  You have always been a spartan warrior so you might as well have it in your name.)  how I miss you.  Sometimes I swear I can see you out of the corner of my eye, walking into the room knowing you own it.  Then I remember your 4000 miles away and perhaps I may have a brain tumor.  I can feel you meading on my leg when you are about to call it a night.  You still make me laugh every time I look at my computer screen and see you pimpin on your balcony, and when I close my eyes and picture you fighting your tail while almost falling off of your balcony.  And then you lick your tail because you finally caught it and bit it and clawed it before you finally realized it was yours.  These are the little things, but these are by no means the only things.  You provided me with so much insight into life.  More than almost anyone else.  You are my son.  I am your father.  You taught me how it feels to constantly give and give, and receive no thanks.  Do you even care?  Of course you do, but you don't always realize how good you have it.  You are my best friend.  You're always willing to listen.  You're never too busy to help me figure things out.  You sense when things are bad, and you show empathy.  You're never afraid of embarrassing yourself to cheer me up.  You are my son and I am your parent.  You do things sometimes that drive me crazy.  You scare me to death, even though you know you'll be fine (at least you think you know).  You have shown me how it must feel to be a divorced parent.  You are growing up and I'm not there to see it except through pictures and stories.  I will never let this happen again.  You are me.  You're impulsive, but you learn (well, sometimes).  You fill every void in my life, yet you fill nothing.  You are just a cat.  I hated cats before I found you.  Without you, I'd still have all the relationships that I have now, but they wouldn't be as complete.  You have allowed me to empathize with everyone that I have come in contact with.  I can see their point of view a bit more clearly now.  My life is better because of you.  You will never be able to fully understand this, but I will.  And because of that, you will always be a part of me.  No matter if you're chasing your tail on your balcony 4000 miles away with not another care in the world except whens your next meal and why isn't Grandma giving me more ice cream.  All I can say is thank you, Samsun

Dr. Mark    

1 comment:

  1. I am reading.. Not all to yourself. Good work keep it up. I will write more sometime soon here but for now I am trying to keep busy in the Skeepit. Storys are coming soon and man do I have a few...WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW. -JT
