Friday, June 26, 2009

Day 49 ....

Tomorrow will be special.

Wow, look at this. We literally just went over this in class, yet now its proven wrong. This is a pretty big finding. The Nobel Prize will probably be awarded. This is opening an entire new field of cell biology. Everything is going to be questioned now. Different genes at different stages of development doing the same thing. Genes we think do something may not really do that thing throughout life. Stem-cell research just restarted...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Day 46.....Meh

My story is going to have to wait one more day. I'm tired. I'm grumpy. I'm negative.

I sort of plan my meals a day or two in advance so I can start looking forward to them. Well, yesterday I decided that I was going to go to this new Chinese place for dinner today (Ashley said it was good, and an Indian knows his Chinese...right?). So I do the 10-15 minute walk eager to get there because I'm starving. Apparently, they decided that today, Tuesday June 23, they were going to be closed. FML. Then, I get home and decide to make Kraft Mac N' Cheese, you know, in the blue box. FML. So instead of butter, I'm forced to use sunflower margarine. FML. Instead of milk, I used vulcanize reconstituted milk that expires next year...FML. Just before I sit down to eat my wonderful meal, I notice that the TV turned on all by itself and proceeded to turn itself all the way up, and I mean LOUD! Yes, by itself. I try to use the remote to turn it turns it up...I try to turn it down using the down volume button on the turns it up...FML. Now, the TV randomly changes channels, volume, inputs...and the remote is completely useless. So, I decided to set that remote next to my air conditioner remote that ALSO decided to stop working correctly...FMFL (I'll let you guess what that second F stands for).

None of you leave responses...fine. 3


PS - The Tigers lead the series against the Cubs 1-0 on a bottom of the 9th walk-off home run by Ryan Raburn...

Monday, June 22, 2009

Day 45 Holy shit! Right on the nose!

Ok, ok...I know that I said that I'd be happy with anything above a 25/40, but I really wanted to get at least a 75%, or 30/40 for all the wolverines out there. What do you know?! I got a 75%! THANK GOD, THANK ALLAH, THANK BUDDHA, THANK DR. SAMSUN...hey, I fit in! I was a bit nervous.

Notice the Scoreboard now: 4 A's and 1 C. No more failing! Pretty DAMN good Dr. Samsun. Oh, thank you.

Yes, even though I just congratulated myself, I still KNOW there is still a long time to go before I can be satisfied. 60 years, SHIT!

I'd like to clear up any confusion. Yes, I know I screamed like a lil girl when the iguana got attacked, but the iguana GOT ATTACKED! I was watching that thing for like 10 minutes before the SECOND iguana ATTACKED the one I was watching. I had NO IDEA that there was a second iguana getting ready to pounce. My heart was thumpin. My sympathetic nervous system went into high gear. Dumped norepinephrine into my system, dilated my pupils, dilated my vessels in my muscles allowing for faster and more powerful contraction. Sped up my breathing. "Slowed down time." Perhaps you all could see it a lil more clearly on youtube...I'd advise you to turn down the volume....ha.

I have a very interesting story for you tomorrow, but I have to tell the person responsible for it before I share it with you all.

Jenn - Michael could not make it up and down the hill required to get to the cliffs, unless you promised him a 12 pack of Heineken light and a Cubs victory when he got there, and we all know how impossible it is to get a Cubs victory...HAHAHAHAHA

Big show down coming up with the Tigers and the Cubs this week. HAHAHA

Did you all see Tiger Woods play mediocre for the entire US Open and STILL finish T-6. When was the last time we was out of the top-20!? Consistency....priceless.

Good Night,

Dr. Samsun

PS - Lu..............................................Day 2

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Day 44 Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day, Dad!!!

There will be a day when I will really be able to show him how much I appreciate what he does for me, I mean, I know saying thank you helps, but trust me, I know...

Tonight is going to be a short post because as you'll see in the video, I had a long day. It was really fun though, my head hurts though. I have too much water filled in my sinuses. I am still one day behind, but most people are. I will be caught up by Wednseday. Hopefully. My ears really hurt though. Apparently there is a place that you can jump off a 50 foot cliff in the Caribbean Sea, hmm, we shall see....

And Mother, as you know, I respond to comments left by readers, a person made a comment that they should invent a way to get high in a pill...I was just showing him the pharmaceutical progress.

Today's shout-out goes to Lu Baggins. You better be reading this. You better leave a comment.
Beeno told me today that he might be a best man shortly...HAHaha, hmm....seriously?!

Enjoy the video...