Saturday, May 30, 2009

Day 20 7 Waterfalls

Congratulations to Justin Abdelkader for scoring your first of many playoff goals for the Detroit Red Wings, and in the Stanley Cup Finals.  

Congratulations to Lebron James for showing how much work you still have before you can even be in the top 10 all-time.  

This is my video from today's hike.  It was a pretty great hike.  Six hours.  Sorry if the audio is a lil messed up.  Enjoy.

Day 19, Why a Doctor Makes So Much Money

Congratulations to the LA Lake Show.  4 more wins!

Why does a doctor make so much money?

Well, there are two main reasons why this is.  

Reason one.  For everything this blog has been about so far.  The amount of study.  The hours and hours of reading, writing, listening, memorizing, feeling, questioning, and worrying.  The demand to be your best at all times.  One mistake, and you just killed a person.  Two mistakes, you lose it all, pulled out from under you like you never deserved it.  Not for 4 years.  Not just to pass the final exam, but for the rest of your career.  Medicine changes every day.  New techniques are being discovered, new microbes evolved, human beings as a species are changing all the time.  You don't just become a doctor and you know it all.  You devote your entire life to medicine.  You devote your entire life to learning, and studying, and evolving.  To be a real doctor, complacency can't exist.  

Reason two.  Money.  Wait Dr. Samsun, how does money have anything to do with how much money you make?  Questions like that make it clear as to why I'm the doctor, and you are not.  (Sorry, if you know Katt Williams, you might think thats funny because I did.)  Well first, everybody knows money plays a role in everything.  Everything?  Everything.  (another Katt joke)  Ok, I'll compare myself to a mildly above average business student.  Lets see, I went to Michigan State University (YAH!).  He went University of Michigan (BOO!).    

                                                                        Me                                        Him           
4 years at undergraduate                   4 x $12500                             4 x 15000
    ---4 years housing                          4 x 12 x 650                          4 x 12 x 800
    ---4 years food/extra                    4 x 12 x 1000                        4 x 12 x 1000

1 year graduate school                          $12000 
9 year housing                                      9 x $675
9 months food/extra                           9 x $1000        

Income 1st year out of college                  $0                                  $40,000 (good job)

10 semesters at medical school        10 x $14000
4 years of housing                               12 x 4 x 750
4 years of food/extras                        12 x 4 x 1000

Income in those 4 years                              $0                                  $200,000

Total Cost          =                               $-380,275                                +$$$$$

How is that rewarded.  With 3-6 years of residency.  Longer and more challenging than medical school, while making $40000.

The hardest profession, plus the most expensive profession. Answered?

Check in tomorrow for 7 Waterfall Hike (a 6 hour beast)...

Dr. Samsun

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Day 18 BodyTracker

Happy Birthday to Jeff and Jason Rose!  

The preliminary results are in.  BodyTracker at Ross University started today.  BodyTracker uses a specialized scale that measures weight, % body fat, % body water, muscle weight, physical rating, basal metabolic rate, metabolic age, bone mass, and visceral fat.  How?  Don't ask me.  How accurate is the scale?  Don't ask me.  

My results for May 28...

Weight:                                                   189.6 pounds (yes, I did weigh 214 in January)

% Body Fat (normal range 8-20%):    19.7%  (phew)

% Body Water (normal 50-65%):        54.9%
Muscle weight:                                      144.8 pounds

Physical Rating:  5, standard average muscle and body fat (hm, I'll take standard right now)

Basal Metabolic Rate:                          2058 calories

Metabolic Age:                                      28 years

Bone Mass (normal 7.3):                     7.6

Visceral Fat (1-12 healthy)                 4               

All in all, I'm pretty average right now.  Which, I suppose, is a good thing considering what I've put my body through the past 7 years.  I will update this in two weeks.  Hopefully with a little less fat and a little more muscle.  And yes, I'm becoming more and more sexy as the weeks go by.  

Past Three Day Expenditure:  60 EC (7 Waterfalls hike on Sunday), 20 EC (bottles of orgasmic Mango juice, guava and passion fruit juice), 100 EC (kitchen groceries), 60 EC (food and fruit)  240 EC (seriously, what can I do?)


Day 17 My Complete Day Filled With Distractions

FYI - small note, the dates my not match up with the days because sometimes my post time is after midnight...

I've noticed a few people might actually be reading...yet, no posts (except you, Mom...hmmm).  I guess I'll have to be more controversial.  I'll turn this into Californiacation if you really want.  I am the skills, you don't believe me?  

So, today marked my first day of distractions that I can't seem to shake off.  I've been pretty good, minus the fact that I do watch all the Red Wings and Lakers games, some of the Cavs-Magic games, and I'll have the Tiger's gamecast up so it can distract me every 30 minutes, but its ok.   The Lakers and Wings have played on alternating nights.  Then today happened.  My day started pretty normal after an awful night.  It was my first night if really struggling to fall alseep.  Three hours, 1 sonata, 2 valarian roots, a move to the loveseat and back to the bed, and 2 shots of Johny later, I was asleep.  I woke up at 8.  After the playoffs I'm planning on moving that up to 7.  Simply because the sun rises at 530am and sets at 630pm.  By 730pm I'm exhausted because of the darkness.  Damn melatonin.  Yet, I still need prescription sleeping pills to fall asleep...well that or my green friend, but no time for that now...and I digress.  I work out for 45 minutes.  Shower and have two eggs and toast.  Followed by a rousing session of 2 hours on prokaryotic gene expression during which a 5-cup pot of coffee was consumed.  Simple, mostly review from my wonderful days at MSU.  This was followed with a 15 minute power laydown.  Review or not, prokaryotic gene expression is tiring.  Reenergized, I prepared myself for another two hour round of connective tissue histology.  Thank you Tigers!  Way to make histo a lil bit better!  8-3 over the Royals.  Yeah, the KC Royals are actually good?  Now, round 2 with the 15 minute power laydown.  Shit, connective tissues are tiring, too.  But now its time for Manchester United v. Barca in the Champions League Final.  Sorry, no need to go any further.  Damn MU, losing 2-0, making me depressed.  Next, time to meet Beth for tennis.  Until, as I walked in to rent my raquet, I see an ass hole renting it away from me.  No tennis with Beth.  Soon though, she'll experience my wrath.  I get home from that, and its time for two for hours of Doctor and Patient, Familial Diseases - Cystic Fibrosis and Sickle Cell Anemia.  Both will be cured with genetics.  Then the Wings.  Damn, what a game.  Abs played well.  To win it in OT, wow.  Holy shit,  the Lake Show is on now.  Kobe proved again why he is the best all-time.  Being the leader he is.  And big ups to Shannon Brown.  You broke my heart leaving early.  We could've been special.  You, doing your thing, airing it out.  Drew Neizel, doing his thing, bangin the 3s.  Unstoppable, but I'll forgive you.  You posterized the Birdman and energized the Staple Center, and for that you're in my club.  I've evolved.  I've compromised.  I made sure to stay current with classes, and watch my teams do their thing.  I'll take 3-1 every day.  75% passes.  100% is nice, but its not better than how bad 50% would be.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Day 15 Two Weeks Until Mini 1

I have two weeks until Mini 1.  Am I ready, hellll no.  Will I be ready?  Probably not.  How can I be?  I can do everything I possibly can, and still not be ready.  This is going to be a test like no other test I have taken.  This is for real.  There is no more, "When I finally get there, it'll be different."  Its here.  My mind is racing a million miles an hour.  What's important?  How can I possibly learn all of this?  There is no way he's gonna ask that...right?  The stress of this situation is so different from anything that I have ever faced.  The sense of urgency.  Do I worry about failing?  Or do I block it out because I know I'm gonna pass?  What if I have a bad test day?  What will I change?  Do I have to think about that?  Should I have a plan just in case?  But thats a distraction, is it a necessary one?  I have two weeks to figure all of this out, to be mentally, physically, emotionally, and psychologically prepared for this.  I must be rolling on all cylinders to accomplish what I must accomplish.  I'm nervous.  I am.  No question about it, but for what might be the first time in my life I feel I am able to use this wound up energy for good.  It gives me a lil boost in motivation to watch that last lecture of the day, to read through the notes one more time.  Its new.  Two weeks.  Fourteen days.  I'll blink and it'll be here, but in that blink I will work harder than I've ever worked.  I will not fail.  I grew up my entire life knowing I was better than you...ah, it sounded right when I was typing...but X that out.  I grew up my entire life knowing what I was capable of, and in two weeks, I'll have my first true test to show it.     

Today is Memorial Day.  Well in the States at least.  This is the first Memorial Day in forever that I haven't had Dad's special NINE course meal.  Jimmy Buffet in the background.  First course: Grey Goose martini;  Second course: grilled homemade pizza; Third course: shrimp cocktail; Fourth course: Johnny Blue; Fifth course: tuna in a wasabi sauce; Sixth course: amazing salad; Seventh course: more Johnny; Eighth course: fall of the bone BBQ ribs, grilled asparagus and zucchini, BBQ chicken; Ninth round: Saunder's Ice Cream Sundae with coffee and Kalula.  Instead, I go to Tomato's, where they don't have their ribs, can't make my second choice (Beef Lasagna) because the power was out on the whole island and the MICROWAVE they use to cook the lasagna doesn't work with their generator, so I have to settle for 4mushroom ravioli (which comes with FIVE ravioli) with a lettuce salad and a piece of bread.  I then bring the food back to my place and proceed to eat alone, in the pitch dark (the sun goes down at 6pm, it is 730pm) with a Diet A&W root beer.  MMM HMMM.  With everything from the above paragraph on my mind.  What a night...   

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Day 14 Street Hockey Club

There is a bird or a bug outside my apt that has to be the most annoying creature on the face of the earth.  It seriously chirps more than 2 times a second, and does it rapid fire for 5 seconds.  I'm seriously going to have to go out and kill the damn thing if I ever plan to fall asleep.  I'm seriously screwed.  It sounds like the damn bug is chirping right next to my ear.  I just tried to fill up a KFC cup with water and throw it at it, but needless to say the only thing that accomplished was littering behind my apt.  This damn thing is going to drive me insane.  There is nothing I can do...I don't have ear plugs yet (Mom, I really hope you remembered them).  It is seriously the loudest chirp I have ever heard.  I can't even be mad though, I feel that lil guys pain.  He isn't trying to drive me crazy, hes trying to lour a mate in.  Oh great!  Now he has competition!  OMG!!!!!!!!!  Honestly though, this lil shit is sitting right outside my window chirping away hoping he'll get laid.  If only it were that easy!  I chirp outside windows all the time, and it hasn't gotten me laid since high school...Oh those were the days!  Knocking on windows in the middle of the night, climbing through windows hoping not to wake anyone, diving out of windows because her damn dad woke up and apparently is a body builder.  Things were so much easier back then.  Which brings me to another thing that was much easier back in the day...sports!  I used to be athletic.  Now, not so much.  I go on a hike (even if it was harder than any hike you've ever been on before so no talkin shit) and I'm sore for days.  I made my inaugural debut in the Ross University School of Medicine's Street Hockey Unofficial Club.  Apparently the teams are not set yet, but there will either be 5 or 6 teams.  Granted it has been about 5 years since I last played ICE hockey, 7 years since I last played roller hockey, and I don't think I've ever played shoe street hockey, but apparently they do in Canada, and apparently every Canadian decided to join the club.  I was also the only 1st semester in the club, so the other players had played together before, but man, did I suck.  Apparently, I smoked my cerebellum retarded because it couldn't decipher which leg was which.  I did score 2 goals in out 14-9 loss though, and I was just subbing in because my team hadn't been formed yet, so the loss isn't on my record.  This will be fun though.  I miss competing.  Honestly, if you look at when my downward spiral began, it was when I stop playing competitive sports.  Don't get me wrong, I was screwed up in high school, but not nearly as bad as my last year at MSU.  Hm, this is a mild revelation for me, and it occur in front of your eyes...I knew this blog was a good idea.  I know its scattered with no real structure, but I'm working on it.  All of the terrific feedback I've been getting has really help....pause....cough...screw all of you! (except you Mother, but I stopped listening to you 23 years ago....haha just kidding [payback for saying that about Dr. Samsun]) 

I'm looking forward to tomorrow's post, so be sure to stay tuned...

Work out in the AM
Pay Tony for meat (10 pounds of beef, 10 pounds of chicken, and 10 pounds of tuna for approximately $130 US, shipped from Miami)
BodyTracker (you'll get more on this tomorrow or Tues)

Expenditures for yesterday and today:  150 EC groceries, 150 EC electricity, 450 EC meats, 70 EC meals and fruit...820 EC

(Honestly, I'm not wasting any what can I do?  I know I've been spending a lot, but considering how 3rd world this country is, everything here is expensive, and comparing myself to others, I know I'm actually in the lower half of what they spend) 

PS: the piece of shit hasn't gotten lucky yet, DAMN BUG!!!!!!!!!!!  UGH!