Thursday, May 28, 2009

Day 17 My Complete Day Filled With Distractions

FYI - small note, the dates my not match up with the days because sometimes my post time is after midnight...

I've noticed a few people might actually be reading...yet, no posts (except you, Mom...hmmm).  I guess I'll have to be more controversial.  I'll turn this into Californiacation if you really want.  I am the skills, you don't believe me?  

So, today marked my first day of distractions that I can't seem to shake off.  I've been pretty good, minus the fact that I do watch all the Red Wings and Lakers games, some of the Cavs-Magic games, and I'll have the Tiger's gamecast up so it can distract me every 30 minutes, but its ok.   The Lakers and Wings have played on alternating nights.  Then today happened.  My day started pretty normal after an awful night.  It was my first night if really struggling to fall alseep.  Three hours, 1 sonata, 2 valarian roots, a move to the loveseat and back to the bed, and 2 shots of Johny later, I was asleep.  I woke up at 8.  After the playoffs I'm planning on moving that up to 7.  Simply because the sun rises at 530am and sets at 630pm.  By 730pm I'm exhausted because of the darkness.  Damn melatonin.  Yet, I still need prescription sleeping pills to fall asleep...well that or my green friend, but no time for that now...and I digress.  I work out for 45 minutes.  Shower and have two eggs and toast.  Followed by a rousing session of 2 hours on prokaryotic gene expression during which a 5-cup pot of coffee was consumed.  Simple, mostly review from my wonderful days at MSU.  This was followed with a 15 minute power laydown.  Review or not, prokaryotic gene expression is tiring.  Reenergized, I prepared myself for another two hour round of connective tissue histology.  Thank you Tigers!  Way to make histo a lil bit better!  8-3 over the Royals.  Yeah, the KC Royals are actually good?  Now, round 2 with the 15 minute power laydown.  Shit, connective tissues are tiring, too.  But now its time for Manchester United v. Barca in the Champions League Final.  Sorry, no need to go any further.  Damn MU, losing 2-0, making me depressed.  Next, time to meet Beth for tennis.  Until, as I walked in to rent my raquet, I see an ass hole renting it away from me.  No tennis with Beth.  Soon though, she'll experience my wrath.  I get home from that, and its time for two for hours of Doctor and Patient, Familial Diseases - Cystic Fibrosis and Sickle Cell Anemia.  Both will be cured with genetics.  Then the Wings.  Damn, what a game.  Abs played well.  To win it in OT, wow.  Holy shit,  the Lake Show is on now.  Kobe proved again why he is the best all-time.  Being the leader he is.  And big ups to Shannon Brown.  You broke my heart leaving early.  We could've been special.  You, doing your thing, airing it out.  Drew Neizel, doing his thing, bangin the 3s.  Unstoppable, but I'll forgive you.  You posterized the Birdman and energized the Staple Center, and for that you're in my club.  I've evolved.  I've compromised.  I made sure to stay current with classes, and watch my teams do their thing.  I'll take 3-1 every day.  75% passes.  100% is nice, but its not better than how bad 50% would be.


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