Over the next few days I am going to share stories about my trip to the Bahamas with you. This will give people plenty of time to rejoin the blog and catch up.
Before I begin, I'd like to clarify something. I'm well aware that a two day trip to the Bahamas can't completely change a life for good. What I meant by that statement is that this trip opened my eyes to the future. I suppose it reminds me of Aristotle, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." I started a new habit...a productive habit. In 3 1/2 years, I will be a doctor..... Pretty cool.
If you watched my Barbados and Bahama video, I apologize for starting off every clip with saying, "So..." I guess I didn't realize I was doing it.
So[ :) ], the Ross University Bahama Campus, my future. Unfortunately, the $100 million 650 acre campus they are starting to build won't be completed for quite a few years. They have a temporary campus located in a..............................strip mall. Yes, a strip mall, next to a pharmacy, and spa, and liquor store, and Italian specialty store, and a GROCERY STORE!!! Dominica doesn't even have 4 out of those 5 things on the entire island, let alone directly next to the campus. The grocery store ALMOST resembles the food department at Meijer. It was love at first sight. Milk, meat, fish, organization, pet products, everything you need. Everything at the temp campus in new. The clinical practice rooms actually resemble real hospital rooms. In Dominica, they are dirty small rooms that resemble a closet. The equipment is new, up-to-date, and organized like you would see it in a hospital. In Dominica, its old, dirty, and resembles shit in a closet. The people of the Bahamas are very nice, friendly, moderately hard working people. In Dominica, they resemble Detroiters...angry, lazy, and a worthless wastes of resources. Honestly, if a volcano erupted and wiped this island off the face of the earth (assuming I was already off it) the world would have lost NOTHING!!!!!!! Except maybe a stupid bird species or 2. The apartments....Oh, the apartments! New, granite counter tops, new appliances, pools, real kitchens, real air conditioning, real furniture, real everything. Dominica, shit, poop, piss, vomit. Basically, the Bahamas represent everything positive that I want in my life, and Dominica represents everything negative that I want out of my life.
Most importantly, I feel 100% comfortable bringing Samsun to the Bahamas!!!
Second most importantly, Ross did a very good job explaining the Accreditation process, and outside of them blatantly lying to 300 students faces, there is absolutely nothing to worry about.
Third most importantly, its very cheap and easy to get to. People can come visit and actually have something to do. I could come home for an extended weekend after a mini to reset. Its a civilized country.
A new countdown has begun. 5 months. 2010 cannot get here soon enough.
Check back tomorrow for a story about travel that only would happen in Dominica.