Wednesday, July 22, 2009

27 Long but Short Days Remaining...

I received an e-mail today from the President of Ross University. In it, he blamed students for calling the Californian Medical Board (CMB) so much that it led to a full investigation into the Bahama site. Which is a good thing and a bad thing. Its ironic that this email came just days after the school spend hundreds of thousands of dollars sending 300 students to check out the campus. But what this means is that the CMB is going to do an extensive review on the campus, the facilities, the educational experience, and make sure that they are up to par with their expectations. Ross told us that the process was going to be expedited and passed quickly. Now, this full investigation could last for months. Nows when I wish I were religious because it would sure ease my mind praying to God for the CMB to make its decision within 4 months. Even though, God isn't going to change the outcome one bit...But as much as I distrust Ross, they are a business, a very profitable business at that. I have full confidence in them doing every possible thing that they can to get the campus accredited. They would lose MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS of dollars if they fail to do so.

I know this post isn't very exciting, but its quite important to me. 13 states follow the CMB. The only way I can go to the Bahamas is if they approve the site.

Some Random Tidbits to make this post more exciting...

The average human has 5 million nerve endings in their nasal cavity to sense smell. Dogs have 250 million. This is why dogs have such great smelling ability. When searching for a human, they use these 250 million nerve endings to follow the 50 MILLION cells per MINUTE that a human sheds which is combined with sweat and oil. We literally leave a trail of cells wherever we go.

I'll quote a guy that came up to me as I left the hotel in the Bahamas, "I have a some green. I have some white. Free samples." I told him I liked those colors very much.

GOD, I hate being responsible.

I thought only the Cubs could allow 2 hits and still lose, which the Tigers did today, but then I realized that there is no way in hell the Cubs are only allowing 2 hits...

Hope you enjoyed,
Dr. Samsun

Monday, July 20, 2009

29 Days Left The Bahamian Campus

Over the next few days I am going to share stories about my trip to the Bahamas with you. This will give people plenty of time to rejoin the blog and catch up.

Before I begin, I'd like to clarify something. I'm well aware that a two day trip to the Bahamas can't completely change a life for good. What I meant by that statement is that this trip opened my eyes to the future. I suppose it reminds me of Aristotle, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." I started a new habit...a productive habit. In 3 1/2 years, I will be a doctor..... Pretty cool.

If you watched my Barbados and Bahama video, I apologize for starting off every clip with saying, "So..." I guess I didn't realize I was doing it.

So[ :) ], the Ross University Bahama Campus, my future. Unfortunately, the $100 million 650 acre campus they are starting to build won't be completed for quite a few years. They have a temporary campus located in a..............................strip mall. Yes, a strip mall, next to a pharmacy, and spa, and liquor store, and Italian specialty store, and a GROCERY STORE!!! Dominica doesn't even have 4 out of those 5 things on the entire island, let alone directly next to the campus. The grocery store ALMOST resembles the food department at Meijer. It was love at first sight. Milk, meat, fish, organization, pet products, everything you need. Everything at the temp campus in new. The clinical practice rooms actually resemble real hospital rooms. In Dominica, they are dirty small rooms that resemble a closet. The equipment is new, up-to-date, and organized like you would see it in a hospital. In Dominica, its old, dirty, and resembles shit in a closet. The people of the Bahamas are very nice, friendly, moderately hard working people. In Dominica, they resemble Detroiters...angry, lazy, and a worthless wastes of resources. Honestly, if a volcano erupted and wiped this island off the face of the earth (assuming I was already off it) the world would have lost NOTHING!!!!!!! Except maybe a stupid bird species or 2. The apartments....Oh, the apartments! New, granite counter tops, new appliances, pools, real kitchens, real air conditioning, real furniture, real everything. Dominica, shit, poop, piss, vomit. Basically, the Bahamas represent everything positive that I want in my life, and Dominica represents everything negative that I want out of my life.

Most importantly, I feel 100% comfortable bringing Samsun to the Bahamas!!!

Second most importantly, Ross did a very good job explaining the Accreditation process, and outside of them blatantly lying to 300 students faces, there is absolutely nothing to worry about.

Third most importantly, its very cheap and easy to get to. People can come visit and actually have something to do. I could come home for an extended weekend after a mini to reset. Its a civilized country.

A new countdown has begun. 5 months. 2010 cannot get here soon enough.
Check back tomorrow for a story about travel that only would happen in Dominica.

Barbados and Bahamas

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Thus It Resumes... 30 Days Left

First of all, I'd like to apologize to all my faithful readers. I was in a bit of a darker place, but now I am confident that the skies have cleared. My confidence has returned!!!! I came into this place nervous. I had no idea what to actually expect. I knew it was going to be challenging. I had no idea it was going to be this challenging. I knew it was gonna take a lot of work. I had no idea it would be this much work. I hoped I could make it. Now, I know I can make it...

I just got back from an all-expense paid (well, mostly ;)) trip to the Bahamas to check out the Ross campus there. My outlook has changed. I have changed.

I'm in the final 30 days of this semester. One month, and I'll see Samsun. Yes, he's what I miss the most, well maybe the most. That doesn't mean that hes the extent of the list, just he's on the top. Anyway, I pledge that in these last 30 days of the first semester of 10 semesters of Medical School, that I have changed. And you will notice.

Check back throughout the week to see a different chapter of the trip that changed my life, the free trip to the Bahamas.

Welcome back,
Dr. Samsun M.D.