Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day 3


I completed the two harder tasks, but I couldn't find a time to squeeze three random compliments into my day.  I suppose I have some work to do.

Goals for Today:  Weight lifting when I wake up
                               Complete learning objectives
                               Give 3 random compliments
                               Master the bones and muscles of the spine/back

Just Friends

So, who hasn't had to live with the "just friends" tag at one point or another?  Talk about a being between a rock and a hard there really a winner when only one of the two wants things to stay strictly plutonic?  I know there are heaps of articles that deal with this issue, but I haven't written why not?  It SUCKS!  I don't care who you are, how cool you are, how strong your social network is.  You see're sympathetic nervous system kicks in...norepinephrine shoots throughout your brain.  You're heart starts to beat faster.  You need to suck in more oxygen.  You start to sweat.  Butterflys.  There she is...smiling as if the sun needed a pickmeup.  Shes happy to see you, too, but for her there are no butterflys, no racing heart, no increased demand for oxygen.  No sweat.  You are just another one of her friends.  Her response to you is the same as it is to an old classmate she had in her sophomore year.  You can't take your eyes off of her, yet every second a small part of your soul shuts off.  Your happiness clouds.   Your so excited and depressed and nervous and angry.  You know you are the one for her.  She is blind!  She wants you to come over and watch a movie.  Is she toying with you?  Is it finally going to happen.  Now every second lasts an hour.  When do I make my move?  Should I make a move?  Shes sitting next to me.  She must know?!  She has to know!  You're in!  You frantically debate yourself.  You go against everything you think and go with everything you feel.  You take the chance.  The chance that could change your life.  The chance that could solve all of your problems.  The chance thats been years in the making!  You lean in.  Heart pumping!  You're mouth is dry as a bone.  Your hands are sweaty.  The butterflys have migrated to your throat.  She looks at you.  She knows!  YES!!!!!  "Wait, what are you doing?!  I thought we discussed this?  I don't want to lose our friendship"  (the heart stops racing, saliva fills the mouth, the sweat remains, the butterflys...well the butterflys died along with a part of you)

To be continued

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