Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day 4, Wow, already?

Mild Success.  The damn compliments are the hardest thing.  When was the last time you gave a compliment to a total stranger in a random setting?  It's not easy...I managed to give compliments to the people who made my food.  I guess it counts.  

So, I write this blog at night right before I go to bed.  So technically tomorrow is Day 4 and today is Day 3.  But for future reference I am writing this as if it is the morning.  

Today's Goals:  Get laundry done somehow.
                            Decide on a hike that isn't 9 hours long for Saturday because apparently some                                                      people need part of Saturday to study?!
                            Full body work out in the AM
                            Do learning objective

Yesterday's lessons:  The autonomic nervous system (ewww), Carbs and Lipids, Medical History
Interesting quote/lesson:  PPSS...Parasympathic points, Sympathic shoots  (yes, my professor did say this, and yes, he was talking about a penis)

Part 2 Just Friends

What a terrible position to be in.  I love hanging out with her.  I love seeing her.  She makes my miserable life a bit more tolerable.  Shes able to brighten my day as if shes my own person sun.  We have fun together.  We laugh together when things are funny.  We cry together when things are sad.  We just get each other.  Sometimes, she can finish my thought better than I could have done myself.  She motivates me, and I her.  We are able to do everything together.  We never need breaks.  We just simply enjoy each others company.  Its not lust.  Its not passion.  What is it?  Love?  Its not sexual.  Its intament but only because we know each others deepest fears and our most lofty goals.  I see her as my second half.  I like her so much that I even like her friends, as annoying as they are.  One day though.  Oh, that dreaded day.  She took me by the hand.  She looked me in the eye.  This wasn't a typical look.  I hadn't seen this before.  Her stare.  She must have seen through my soul and back.  She leaned in.  Whispers.  Her lips softly rubbing against my ear.  I'm in love with you.  NO!!!!!!!!!  My sunshine!  My rock!  My happiness.  I love her, too, but not like that!  I love...I'm not IN love.  Shes my best friend.  The one I turn to for everything.  I can't lose her.  I'm nothing without her.  I am a whore.  I won't and can't trust myself with that.  One mistake and shes gone.  Out of my life forever.  I can't lose her.  Everything was so perfect.  Me and her, best friends.  It didn't have to be sexual.  I just don't have those feelings for her.  Our entire relationship is in the balance...          

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