Monday, May 11, 2009

Day 2 aka the day after Day 1

Success!  Well, I suppose.  I give myself a 9 out of 10 for the day.  

Today's Topics:  Histology - Cell membranes/cytoskeleton
                              Anatomy - Spinal bones
                              Doctor and Patient - I'm really not sure (placebo effect maybe)

Tomorrow's Goals:  50 minutes of cardio when I wake up
                                   Successfully complete learning objectives
                                   Give 3 random compliments

Yesterday's Lesson

Attention Deficit Disorder.  I was diagnosed in the second semester of my senoir year of high school.  Apparently, it took 18 years before I, or anyone else for that matter, decided that something was wrong.  18 years of living, staying out late, sneaking out, drinking, partying.  Playing whore.  All while graduating elementry school, middle school, and high school with honors...with a 3.99 GPA.  But how, I had ADD and it wasn't diagnosed until it was too late.  I had ADD, and I was treated like all patients are...and sent to MSU.  I had my treatment.  Why wasn't I learning the way I did before?  Why was I better as an undiagnosed sufferer than I was as a treated patient?   I made it through Michigan State.  Piss on my GPA.  My MCAT was respectable...but only after I took it the second time without my treatment!  

Now I'm here, at Ross University School of Medicine.  Back to my undiagnosed suffering.  Back to when learning was fun.  Back to when I wanted to open a book, and learn all the wonders I was supposed to learn.  Why is it that when you do something you want...ADD goes away?  Whose logic was it to give millions of people synthetic cocaine and expect them to pay attention?  My life with adderall was a flash.  Able to think about millions of things millions of times throughout the day, but never able to focus on the one thing I needed to focus on.  

Cheers to Me.  For I have been the ends of the earth (quite literally and figuratively) and I'm still here focusing along as I go...

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