Friday, May 22, 2009

Day 12 Mission Accomplished

Mission accomplished!  I socialized a bit.  Drank a bit. Watched a little Katt.  Loved the fact that it continues that nearly 100% of people I've shown it too think its hilarious (Apparently my brother is too ADD for it).  An overall enjoyable evening.  Arrived home 3:30 am.  So, as you'll notice, no blog post last night, my bad.  I'm sure you'll get a few woozy posts, probably after Mini's.  June 8.  Day 29 I believe.  Expect it.  And, when I awoke at 9 am I realized again why I stopped drinking.  Luckily for me, it was nothing a good sweat couldn't resolve.  I went to Portsmouth today and purchased a $25 transformer for my XBOX360.  So, I got the system for free (thanks Beeno), but its cost $100 to have it shipped here, $75 to get it through customs for a total of $200 just to get the damn thing working here (thanks Dad).  Now, I have to wait patiently for Fifa to arrive in the mail.  Then its back to domination, in between lectures of course.  

Today, I'm just rambling off random thoughts...

I don't quite understand why when in a group, (maybe its just med students) but human beings feel the need to applaud after everything.  I understand applauding after a play, or comedy gig, even after a speech, but after the professor shows a clip from a Harvard video that is like 5 years old is unacceptable.  After a professor explains the answers to three questions that he grabbed out of a question bank is completely unacceptable.  It really makes me hate everyone in the room.  Then I realize I'm overreacting and try to cool off a bit.  

Link to the Harvard video...It actually is a pretty amazing video and if you haven't seen it I highly recommend it.  My reasoning behind the applause is that this movie has been shown in almost every cellular science class since AP biology.  

Its the Inner can choose a speed, I recommend the high speed.  The slow is awesome, but long and can seem to much.  You won't be disappointed, but you may realize just how much you don't know...even if you don't care you don't know.

What does Detroit and Dominica have in common?.?.?  I don't want to get in trouble so I'll stop, but if asked I'll gladly answer...

Which place is better, Detroit, Muskegon, or Dominica?.?.?.?  I don't want to get in trouble so I'll stop, but if asked I'll gladly answer...

Who is better, Kobe Bryant or Lebron James?.?.?  Duh, Kobe...if you want to know why, just ask....

Its been a bad two days for sports (minus the Tigers, atta boys, who said our pitching was bad (me until they started pitching well)), but, it was just a lil hiccup for the Lakers and Red Wings.  The Wings deserved it for scratching Abs tonight.  I'll give it to Lebron he made a shot, 1 shot, way to go.  

I really, really hope I do it the right way this time...

I bought a necklace for 15 EC ($6) and a bracelet for 10 EC ($4).

Apparently, I've either lost a few pounds since I've been here or I was extremely dehydrated this morning.  

Today's Lesson
No classes, Research Day

Tomorrow's Goals
Download stuff from Kory
Watch dissection videos
Go through anatomy note cards twice
Print off BIOCH, Physio, Cell Biology, and Anatomy notes
Read through them twice
Buy electricity units

Previous two day expenditure:  $41 (130 EC) (on anatomy flashcards), 90 EC food, 20 EC alcohol, 15 EC necklace,  5 EC tipping maid (she wouldn't accept more), 50 EC transformer  310 EC

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