Monday, May 18, 2009

Day 8 (The Day After)

I woke up this morning and thought I was partially paralyzed.  Its times like these that I'm thankful this place is like every other civilized country (except the USA) and allows for sales of codeine over the counter (writer's note: I've learned my lesson with pain killers. I have no desire to go through that experience again, so no needs to worry).  My miserable day turned into a manageable day, which I suppose is the point, right? 

I'm back to writing this in current time.  It is Monday, May 18 2009 at 11pm.  

Tomorrow's Goals
Work out in the AM (stretch)
Download previous semester info 
Self-quiz using unlabelled anatomy pictures (bones, muscles, ligaments, nerves)

Today's Topics
BIOCH - DNA structure and replication
Physiology - Pores, channels, and pumps/transports; and regulation of cell volume
Introduction to Problem Based Learning (PBL)


"First of all, I'd like to thank God because without him none of this would be possible."  Oh really?!  Why is it that almost every athlete, actor, actress, politician and musician is so eager to thank God Almighty, our lord and saviour, father of Jesus Christ, our lord and saviour?  Why is it that when anything bad happens countless people pray to God for help?  We live in a world that is factually based.  Try to change the wiki page for Detroit, MI to "City of friendly people," and see how long it lasts.  How many times have we heard this statement, "Get your facts straight"?  Yet, how many people are willing to believe every single word their priest tells them, literally?  So, who has heard the story of Moses and the exodus from Egypt?  You know, Moses brought the seven plagues to Pharaoh's door until he finally let the Israelites go.  Then, Moses lead them to the Red Sea which he parted and escaped Pharaoh's army.  Well, that makes a good story.  It was a miracle sent down from God, right?  How many of you knew that Moses was an army general?  That he lead an army that protected Egypt from rivals to the north that comprised of ... ISRAELITES?  Hmmm.  I never heard that in Sunday School.  I've only seen pictures showing Moses to be old, carrying nothing but a staff.  He was a warrior?  Moses was actually a warrior that was banished from the army, which is why he spent "40 years" wondering the desert as a shepherd, but one day, a burning bush spoke to him (it was God) and told him what he must do.  (Lets see, dehydration, hunger, being surrounded by nothing but sand and sheep for "40" years...I'm sure he was in great mental shape, maybe he ate a mushroom?  Maybe he was straight tripping)  My whole religious upbringing was spent learning about a banished druggy ex-warrior, mm hmm.  But, doctor, he parted the Red Sea, that is a miracle.  Well, yes, that would be a miracle...OR he noted the changing of the tides in his "40 years" wondering the desert (keeping that card a secret knowing he might be able to use it at some point).  Well, what a perfect time to use it when you have an overpowering army chasing your battered army.  It must be God's work.  Or, Moses lead his people to the sea when it was low tide, walked across, and as Pharaoh closed in, the muddy sea floor caught his chariots, the tide rose and bam an entire army is destroyed.  The whole Book of Exodus was written about a military operation designed by a banished old military general.  God had as much to do with it as he had to do with Operation Iraqi Freedom.  This is part 1 of my many part series showing in very simple and easy to understand ways of how ordinary things that happen everyday can be turned into God's work with enough time, the right influences, and ignorant gullible people. 

Daily expenditure (in EC): 52 (dinner and bagels), 57 (phone minutes), 20 (pharmacy), 20 (lunch)...149      



  1. seriously, mark, there's more to God than the old bible stories.. you'll find out when you're older
