Saturday, September 12, 2009

It continues on Sunday/Monday,

My blog will continue on Sunday/Monday. It will be a little different from last semester. I will write in in 3-4 days a week. I will write every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and I will write the occasional weekend. The blog will be more school oriented but a few will be personal. It will be a very fun and interesting semester. I'm looking forward to all of you following me through it. Until next week, learn and enjoy.

Dr. Gaynor

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Two Weeks Til You!

I'm tired. I've had a very long day. I apologize. I had my anatomy lab practical today. I really think it went well. We will see on Monday. I have to wake up tomorrow morning for my Histology lab practical. I will fill you in on all the details tomorrow.

I just wanted to say that in exactly 14 days almost to the minute I will be landing in Dirtroit!! I really never thought I could be so excited. Its going to be an amazing 3 weeks. 3 WELL DESERVED weeks of relaxation and entertainment, and FOOD!!!!!! :) But alas, 12 days of studying still ahead of me. It will be a LONG 12 days.

Cya tomorrow,

Sunday, August 2, 2009

16 Days....

Hello again.

I have two thoughts for you tonight. A positive one, and a not so positive one. But first, a few things....

The Ice Holes (my hockey team) suffered a crushing defeat today in the bronze medal game losing a 10-4 lead, 11-10 to The Gunners. The rain made it quite interesting, puddles and slick spots you know. It was a good season. There was considerable improvement from start to finish and I look forward to next semester's season.

Now, what a proud family moment for us all. Daniel giving me a compliment. Thank you, and to answer your questions, although the Bears suck (so I can get away with that), I have to be quiet about the Cubs...even though they aren't leading their division, but rest assured, 108 years is 108 years. And 109 will be 109....110, 110, 111, get the point. I tend to only show videos of adventures, I haven't found an adventurist girl. Next semester I plan to change my videos a bit. I plan to show more interesting academic, personal thoughts sort of things. Well, I actually ate a very good BBQ place in downtown Portsmouth Friday night. While we were eating a begger came up to the table next to me and asked for a rib, the guy was chased down the street, caught, dragged back to the table, forced to apologize and thrown out of the patio. If only that were the case in Detroit. I don't understand why its the case, but Detroit or Dominica, or I'm guessing just about any place you go....they sure love their stoops...Now, don't get me wrong, the rat on pogo sticks is ugly, but the dog that looks as if shes survived cancer twice and botched hair replacement therapy is the more hideous specimen. Granted, the coked out pig who eats his shit then licks your face is no treat either.

That went longer than expected, see thats why I encourage comments. I respond, I really do.

BTW...I'd also just like to say that Dan and I have been getting along quite nicely for quite awhile now. I don't mean to overshoot it, but I believe we have seen some common ground over the past few years.

My words of wisdom are gonna be a bit shorter now.

Ok, I understand that many people don't have the time to sit down and watch a bunch of TV, but we all have our little set of selected programing that we wouldn't miss for anything. With the advent of TiVo and Hulu in the US (and downloading torrents in Dominica) conflicts with TV matter no more. I remember way back when, perhaps my days are off, but Wednesdays were ER, Thursdays were Seinfeld and Frasier, the Sopranos were Sundays. But they were all scattered through years and days, but you can watch anything you want, pretty much whenever you want to. Now, you can watch new seasons of Weeds, Californiacation, Entourage, Hung, Burn Notice (another very good show that I'm sure few of you have seen, on USA) and soon Curb Your Enthusiasm. I pose a question. When in history of TV, have there been a combination of better shows. If you get HBO or SHO you watch the shows, everyone. So many people, what a reality. Look at the reality of each of those shows. How opposite to actually reality. The human is easily entertained. As long as its as far away from actual life as possible, and I love it.

Weird ending, but whatever...
Dr. Samsun

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

23 Days and Counting

Tonight is a perfect example of why I encourage comments. I wasn't going to write a post tonight, but now, I am.

First, Mother, thank you for leaving a comment on every post. To answer your question...

Jumping off of the cliff was FAR more scary than sky diving. Yes, you all read that correctly. Jumping off the cliff was FAR more scary than sky diving. Sky diving isn't scary. Not once did I think, oh, maybe I shouldn't do this. Sky diving is exciting. Sky diving is taking ALL of your senses and putting them into overdrive. Its so much that you can't comprehend what you're actually doing when you're doing it. You go, you pay, you take off, you jump, you black out, you crush your balls, your parachute opens, you float down. YOU don't make the decision. You just go. Jumping off that cliff...I can remember my EXACT thought the second before I made the CONSCIOUS decision to go. You have to take ALL of your fears, all of your doubts, and bury them. YOU have to decide that its time, and that its ok. YOU have to just go. And after you go, you have time to decipher what you actually just did. You're falling, but you're thinking. "God damnit, Mark. What did you just do!?" "I really hope this doesn't hurt that much." "Holy shit this is a big drop" "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" SPLASH. Its a roller coaster without the security of the safety bar.

Second, good ol' Miguel Miguel Inderain Inderbain. Trust me! I empathize with you. Look, you cut me, I bleed green. Sure the Lakers won the World Championship this year, sure the Red Wings won it last year...and this coming year. Sure the Tigers made it to the World Series 3 years ago, but I bleed green. Just like you bleed blue. The only difference. Every analyst with a brain is saying that green is on the rise, and blue...well blue is the Dysfunctional Family that never made it. Its ok, read below. Heartbreak is painful...Megan Fox gave it a 10 outta 10. It'll be ok. I promise.

Third, the revelations just keep coming. I'm quite proud of myself right now. Perhaps I'll explain later. This one was pretty big. IF I do explain, it'll be in second semester.

Fourth, I had another revelation. This one I can hint at now. Being in Dominica has done a lot for me. Whether I want to accept it or not, it has. Granted I feel like I've learned my lessons from this place and I feel I can move on, this place has made me appreciate many things that I took for granted before I came here. Like food, and grocery stores, and customer service (even though I learned this last year), and convenience. The list of things that I'm looking forward to seeing/doing in the 2 1/2 weeks that I'm home over break is quite long. This list is the thing that I look at when I'm down. Its what makes watching that last lecture of the day seem a bit more bearable. I apologize in advance to my family, of course you are all important and I want to see you all (yes, even Daniel, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't even read this), but for how long my list is...I usually can stop after the first two. Samsun is without question #1. I love him. Weird maybe, but honest. I have no shame in it nor will I ever. He is me, but this paragraph isn't about Samsun. This paragraph is about you. This paragraph is about all the things that I've wanted to say to you and never have. This paragraph is about all the experiences we never got to have. I've realized, when I close my eyes, damnit, I see you.

Good night,
Dr. S

Monday, July 27, 2009

25 Days Left DPS Practical

I figured it would help me study by typing my DPS practical on here for you all to read. Enjoy.

D: Good afternoon Ms. Fox, I'm Dr. Gaynor.
P: Good afternoon Dr. Gaynor. Please, call me Megan.
D: Alright Megan, what brings you to see me today?
P: I've been experiencing shooting pains in my chest whenever I take a deep breath or cough.
D: How long has this been happening?
P: Well, I first noticed it a few days ago, but it has gotten progessively worse. My friend finally convinced me to come here today.
D: When was your last physical?
P: I just started shooting a new movie last month. I was required to get one for that. Transformers 3, are you a fan?
D: So, one month ago?
P: Yes.
D: What were the results?
P: The doctor told me that I was in excellent health.
D: Tell me more about your chest pains.
P: There is not much more that I can say. We've had to delay filming because I can't take a deep breath. You've seen my films, right? I have a lot of actuon scenes. Not only does it hurt, I've had trouble catching my breath recently, too. Doc, I exercise everyday! Last week I ran 10 miles, no problem. Today, I was winded just walking to your office.
D: What happens when you take a deep breath?
P: It feels like a knife is penetrating my chest, and then I cough which makes the pain worse.
D: Does anything come up when you cough?
P: Eww! Yes! I almost vomited yesterday when I spit it out, nasty yellowish-green phlegm.
D: Where exactly does it hurt?
P: Right below my nipple.
D: How would you rate the pain on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the worst pain imaginable.
P: You mean like heartbreak? I'd rate it an 8, nothing hurts as bas a broken heart.
D: Did something happen recently?
P: Men are all jerks!! Well, you've been far!
D: Care to explain?
P: My boyfriend, well, my ex-boyfriend slept with my best friend, no, my ex-best friend. Thats all.
D: I'm sorry to hear that. How long ago did this happen?
P: One year ago.
D: Oh. No new relationships?
P: No. You're pretty cute though. Are you married?
D: How's work?
P: Well, it was great until this started. I love filming in the United Kingdom.
D: How long were you in the UK?
P: For the past month. Our first scenes were shot there. I just got back three days ago.
D: Have you been in contact with anyone else from the set?
P: Yes, all of em.
D: Have any of them been experiencing anything similar to you?
P: Now that you mention it, a few people have called in sick. I don't know if they have the same thing that I have, though.
D: Have you taken any medications?
P: Well, I'm on oral contriceptives. A friend gave me a few vicodin for the pain.
D: Do you take vicodin often?
P: No, only on a as needed basis. Whenever I'm in pain.
D: And how often are you in pain?
P: Not often, I think I've used in 10 times in the past six months. It helps with the headaches, too.
D: How often do you get headaches?
P: Not often at all, usually only after a long night, but I've had a headache on and off for the past 3 days too. Do you think it is related to my chest pain?
D: We will have to do some tests. How sever are the headaches?
P: Bareable. A five on that scale of yours.
D: When was your last one?
P: This morning, I was on the phone with my mother when it started.
D: Yeah, that happens to me too. Ha. I'm joking, this isn't part of the interview.
D: How is she?
P: Shes great.
D: And your father?
P: He's great, too.
D: Any siblings?
P: Three brothers. It was rough growing up, but now its ok. They aren't the brightest people in the world, so now I have the upper hand, but they are family.
D: Do you know of any diseases that run in your family?
P: No, they can do that?!
D: Yes, well some.
P: Like colds and flus?
D: Not exactly. How are your grandparents?
P: They are alive and well.
D: Okay, I'm going to summerize what we've discussed and you correct me if anything is missing.
P: Okay.
D: You are an actress who just got back from the UK shooting a film. Upon arrival in the US you started having chest pains whenever you took a deep breath or coughed. At first, it wasn't too bad, but it has progressively gotten worse. Along with the chest pains, you've experienced headaches as well as coughing up yellowish-green sputum. Is there anything else?
P: Ha, sputum. No, thats all right.
D: A few more question. Any changes in your hearing?
P: No
D: Vision?
P: No
D: Do you smoke?
P: Only pot, on average once a week and I use a vaporizer. Thats ok, right?
D: Feelings of fatigue?
P: Yeah, a little.
D: Any changes in your breasts?
P: No
D: How's your diet?
P: Great, I have a nutritionist and a cook.
D: Any changes in your urine?
P: No
D: When was your last bowel movement?
P: Um. Girls don't have bowel movements.
D: Thats what I thought too!
D: Stress?
P: Outside of work, I'm a pretty stress free girl.
D: Alright Ms. Fox, I think we can move on to the physical examination. Thank you for answering my questions.
P: Ooo, my favorite, and I said call me Megan!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

27 Long but Short Days Remaining...

I received an e-mail today from the President of Ross University. In it, he blamed students for calling the Californian Medical Board (CMB) so much that it led to a full investigation into the Bahama site. Which is a good thing and a bad thing. Its ironic that this email came just days after the school spend hundreds of thousands of dollars sending 300 students to check out the campus. But what this means is that the CMB is going to do an extensive review on the campus, the facilities, the educational experience, and make sure that they are up to par with their expectations. Ross told us that the process was going to be expedited and passed quickly. Now, this full investigation could last for months. Nows when I wish I were religious because it would sure ease my mind praying to God for the CMB to make its decision within 4 months. Even though, God isn't going to change the outcome one bit...But as much as I distrust Ross, they are a business, a very profitable business at that. I have full confidence in them doing every possible thing that they can to get the campus accredited. They would lose MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS of dollars if they fail to do so.

I know this post isn't very exciting, but its quite important to me. 13 states follow the CMB. The only way I can go to the Bahamas is if they approve the site.

Some Random Tidbits to make this post more exciting...

The average human has 5 million nerve endings in their nasal cavity to sense smell. Dogs have 250 million. This is why dogs have such great smelling ability. When searching for a human, they use these 250 million nerve endings to follow the 50 MILLION cells per MINUTE that a human sheds which is combined with sweat and oil. We literally leave a trail of cells wherever we go.

I'll quote a guy that came up to me as I left the hotel in the Bahamas, "I have a some green. I have some white. Free samples." I told him I liked those colors very much.

GOD, I hate being responsible.

I thought only the Cubs could allow 2 hits and still lose, which the Tigers did today, but then I realized that there is no way in hell the Cubs are only allowing 2 hits...

Hope you enjoyed,
Dr. Samsun